Our Greeting - Namaskar

We are an international company with an Indian heart. At our hotels & resorts, we greet everybody with Namaskar. In Sanskrit, the word NAMAH+KAR= NAMASKAR means "I subjugate my ego before you and bow to you.

The spiritual significance of this is the reduction of one’s ego in the presence of others.

The real meeting between two people is the meeting of their minds – NAMASKAR literally interprets this into physical form – when we meet one another with our hands folded together and placed before the chest – it is symbolic indication of “may our minds meet”. The bowing of the head is a gracious form of extending friendship in love and humanity.

Our Vision

At IHHR, our vision is “to be known as a creative hotel chain offering world-class hospitality with an Indian heart”

Our Mission

At IHHR, we are committed:

  • To creating a product that is unique in design
  • To offering world-class hospitality that is distinctive because of its warmth and humility
  • To constantly improve and innovate
  • To our people, their individuality and their growth
  • To creating exceptional value for all


  • Empathy
  • Teamwork
  • Honesty
  • Ownership
  • Selflessness

Our Credo

We, as ambassadors of IHHR, will never say or do anything to tarnish the image of our organisation:

  • We will always conduct ourselves in a professional manner with guests and colleagues
  • We will never indulge in harassment of any kind or the use of foul language and abuse
  • We will always act with honesty and integrity
  • We will never misuse the organisation’s resources or damage its assets